Transportation Project
Federal Transit Administration Project Management Oversight Major Capital ProjectsDRM is providing cost estimating services and constructability review services to these FTA project. DRM will assist in the monitoring of the projects to determine if the projects are progressing on time, within budget, and in accordance with the grantees’ approved plans and specifications. Monitoring activities also includes, review of project documents, observations, examination of records and analysis of data and information.
DRM performs cost estimating services throughout the design phases and construction phases of the project(s). Construction cost estimates are prepared for all new construction and rehabilitation and/or modification work to the projects. The DRM team has consistently prepared construction cost estimates that are within a few percent of the low bid on each project.
DRM constructability review services includes analysis of the grantees’ project management plan and assess the technical capacity and capability of the grantee to carry out the plan. DRM provides a factually-based engineering evaluation and assessment to support an initial determination of the project’s technical competency. DRM staff provides technical assistance to ensure the success of the projects via conformance with sound engineering and project management practices.